Monday, November 20, 2006

Wikipedia rules!

This is why I love Wikipedia.

An important fact I just learned about the TV show Three's Company.

"Fifteen years later, after being notified by a viewer, American Nickelodeon network quickly edited an episode where John Ritter's scrotum skin was briefly visible through the bottom of a pair of boxer shorts. "

John Ritter had this to say to the New York Observer when they asked him about the controversy: "I've requested that [Nickelodeon] air both versions, edited and unedited, because sometimes you feel like a nut, and sometimes you don't."

UPDATE! UPDATE! After some internet research I found a picture of the offending clip. Apparently Nickelodeon didn't want to tell people what episode it was. It was "The Charming Stranger" about a ventriloquist who moves in next door and the roommates think he is a jewel theif. But anyway, the blooper was discovered in 2001 so its been edited ever since so the only way to see it is when it comes out on DVD, if they left it unedited. Rest assured I will be adding it to my queue.

I wonder why I care so much about John Ritter's balls.

Are you gangsta?

I found this post in the urban dictionary. Just reading it made me crack up

Im from The East Bay Area. Hayward CA. a drug dealer, gun holder, pimp who makes real street Money. and I graduated highschool with a 4.0 so bitch I break all stereotype and u cant say im not gangster cuz I will shoot your snatch ass. BAY BIZNIZ 510 WAT IZ IT. C me in WAR. we stay smashin. SOUTH HAYWARD. HWD. HOW WE DO

a homie wat iz u

nigga strait reppin EAST BAY a GANGSTER at that. Murkn foos and getin dough.

for the Square ass Square Butts
excuse me brah. What do you Represent

O I’m an Eastern Bay Area Region Gangster. killers that make money

Monday, November 13, 2006

Oh you poor, poor boy

Why is this so funny to me? Am I a bad person?

I love it

I know its old but I love this vid, and I just learned how to post it on the blog. Now starts a new wave of videos.

So you think you know it all, huh

I am sick of condescending ass wipes. In some online discussions I have been having one person seems to respond to everyone's comments, not with an actual argument, but with comments on their inadequacy in forming coherent arguments or how they're naïve or their life experience is so small and so confined that they can't possibly understand this situation. He, however, is older so he has a broader perspective. Well sir, you are a jack ass. You don't know it all. He claims that such naiveté will be alleviated with age. Nonsense, I say. His arguments are a bunch of flowery pontifications. Who cares if you're older. Older doesn't mean smarter or wiser. It means you're closer to senility than I am so what the hell do you know. So bite me, if you have any teeth left.


I'm sure you all know what this is for ( l )

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Comedy Shows

I was watching a comedy special, Ralphie May: Girth of a Nation on Comedy Central. It was mildly humorous. Some parts made me laugh out loud others just sucked. But the people in the audience were laughing their asses off, wiping away tears. I kept wondering what the hell they were laughing at, I mean I'm hearing the same jokes they are. My theory is comedy shows are funnier when you are seeing them live.

I have always had a fear of going to comedy shows because you know how the comic teases people in the audience, well I don't want that to be me. So one time my boyfriend and his family got us tickets to go see Ralphie May at a comedy club. Somehow I ended up in the front row with my legs pressed against the stage. I was terrified. But everything started out okay. He told some jokes. Ha ha, but then it happened. We made eye contact and then he made some joke about black women and their hair. And he pointed at me and said something like, "look she has a flower in her hair and its raining outside. You didn't even care, huh, as long as you look cute. Thats dedication." Oh my God I was so embarrased cause everyone in the audience started staring at me and I couldn't escape. BUT then he made up for it cause he said my hair was cute and I looked like Janet Jackson when she was on Good Times. So I guess that evened it out.

But I still fear comedy shows because I just knew if I ever went they would tell a joke about me and it happened. Its bound to happen again, because it wasn't painful enough.

Lesson: If you go to a comedy show, don't sit in the front row and don't wear flowers in your hair if its raining. You are asking for it.

More about my other irrational fears later. I have many.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

This is what you call a homecoming?

Did you hear about he wild ass homecoming dance in Sonoma County? I swear these kids are getting worse and worse. The school suspended all dances because after the dance they found x-tacy, other drugs, and condoms on the gym floor. I mean seriously, what types of dances are these. And apparently during the dance there was lots of "freak dancing" which they defined as a "bump and grind form of intimacy." On a side note, why do old people call it "freak dancing" its called freaking. Maybe dances have gotten more graphic than since I've been in school, but I don't recall people having sex next to me as I was dancing. I think I would remember something like that. And this is Sonoma County, these rural suburbanite kids are getting nastier and wilder every damn day. Someone needs to beat some sense into them cause this is outta control. The real question is where were the chaperones? Cause believe me, if I was chaperoning a dance I'd notice people having sex and tripping off drugs.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Whitey + Rap = ?

I gotta ask, why is it when I watch some movie and there are a bunch of white teenagers hanging out together, at a party, someone's house, in the car, whatever, Why are they always listening to rap? I would just think that other types of music would be playing in the background. Even if the teens in the film aren't listening to it specifically, its playing in the background, as if to set the scene. And its not just any old rap, not hip hop, but the hardest core rap ever. Some shit they don't even play in "black movies." Its kind of scary. Is this what white teens are really listening to? Feel free to answer or explain this phenomenon to me, I really am curious.

Like look at the poster for this movie Bully a interesting movie by the way. A perfect example. Does this look like a rap-filled movie? Probably not, but it is.

All trademarks, names, and brands are properties of their respective owners.

Homeless Hater: the update

Okay, so we have an update on the homeless hater picnic. If you missed that one, catch up. Anyway so the "loser" who told me to calm down and i told (in my post) to kiss my ass, sorta apologized to me. Perhaps he didn't like the way he came off on here, he may have even recieved hate mail. But anyway, I had had quite a few drinks and he apologized or something to that effect. I think mostly he wanted to make sure we were cool. But I really only remembered this conversation 2 days later. I'm pretty sure while he was talking to me, I was so blitzed I just smiled and said its all good. Two days later the conversation (the parts i remember) came to me. So folks, I'm talking my ass ( l ) down. He kissed it, its all gravy baby.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

I need my space

I hate people touching me. And I hate people invading my personal space. I was at Kaiser today getting my flu shot and some guy behind me was freakishly close to me in line. Every time I moved a step forward he moved two. It didn't help that he stank and probably hadn't changed his clothes in days. It was horrible. I really hate people standing that close to me in line. Its not necessary. Touching me will not make the line go faster.

Which brings me to the time I was in line at Walgreen's. This woman and her friend walked up and stood RIGHT behind me in line. I mean right behind. I had to move and she moved too. She was so close I could feel the stuff she was carrying in her arms pressed up against my back. I finally had to tell her to stop touching me. She apologized like she didn't know what was up. Yeah right, I think I'd notice if I was so close to someone that I was touching them. Who stands that close in line. I don't want your hot ass breath on my neck.

Thanks for listening to my rant. I hate people.