Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Shopping List

The top 5 reasons I hate shopping...

5. People in the express lane not expressing it. Talking on the phone, not paying attention, holding up the line. Hello we are in a rush.
4. People who can't drive shopping carts and crash into you.
3. People who let their kids run wild in the stores and run into you, block your way, scream, or drive carts when they are 5 and can't see.
2. People, in the parking lot, backing up, not looking behind them, but looking at the plate of food they are eating while driving in reverse, and then almost hit an old woman, while never noticing anything.
And the top reason I hate going shopping....
1. Cause I'm lazy and I hate going anywhere.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL Priceless! That's why you shop online! I only go to the store for fruits. There's all kinds of alternatives for not doing it yourself. Co-ops. Genuardi's. Giant. You've got to have some of that where you're at!