Friday, March 30, 2007
Link of the day
I don't know why I said "link of the day". It's not like I have a link every day. I might have to change the title to link of the moment.
Anyway, if your bored or need something to occupy your time try this. Its the impossible quiz and its awesome. Awesomely hard. I think I stopped around #15, I needed a break. But its fun so just try it, at least twice.
UPDATE: Here is a site containing the answers. Only use it if you get really, really stuck or else that would be cheating. Click here then scroll down and you'll see it.
I'm stuck at #66 now, but I'm gonna stop and study. And then I'll be back with a vengeance. And no I'm not gonna peek at the answers.
Thursday, March 29, 2007
The Big House

Plus I just don't think its a good idea to live in a house, where you don't even know if you have roommates or not. For all you know, some random guy could be living in your house for the last 5 months. I mean seriously, how many times do you check the second floor, guest bedroom off the mother in law wing in the north hall. Freaky.
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
T-shirt folding --- don't ask
This short video shows someone folding the shirt.
This one is a tutorial on how to do it if you are interested.
Is it true love?
Now, wait, hold on, I know what you're thinking. "Sick", "Gross", or "That doesn't make any sense" But hear me out. If one of your good friends crapped themselves, you'd probably say "hey man, that sucks" and throw them a towel or something. But if you really and truly love someone you may get queasy but you would pull down their poopy pants and wipe them clean. Why? because you love them. Poop cleaning is not something to be taken lightly and neither is love.
Monday, March 26, 2007
No bitches before lunch
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Best Episode Ever
I love Cheaters. That show is so entertaining. If you aren't watching it you should be. Anyway there are so many great Cheaters episodes to choose from but this is definitely at the top of my list.
Fast Forward to 6:35 and enjoy. Oh yeah and this video is rated M for Mature.
Friday, March 23, 2007
Best Episode Ever
And just for fun lets watch the music video they made in that episode.
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Monday, March 12, 2007
Who cares? Not my mom
Reason 2
My mom and I just arrived at our hotel after a flight and I wanted to brush my teeth. So I asked her to pass me the toothpaste and she handed me one of the those travel toothpaste sized tubes. I grabbed it and put it on my toothbrush. I started to brush and I gagged. I looked at the tube and it was hydrocortisone. It was so gross and it was spread all over my teeth and I couldn't get it off (that cream has sticking power). I wanted to call the front desk and order a new toothbrush but mom was like come on we gotta go, gargle and you'll be fine. She totally did not care.
See my mom doesn't care about me. I told you.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Help! Babies wont let me study
Can you dance like this?
Hey you really have to watch the whole vid, its great, but if not then fast forward to 2:05 and just watch him work it.
UPDATE: I totally had to add this video. Apparently Beyonce is the artist of choice these days.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Thats it, I'm old
Example: Some of the least graphic changes (if you can believe it) in Some Cut
Edited Version:
And I'll follow that thang in the mall
Take you home so we can do it all
Explicit Version:
And I'll follow that ass in the mall
Take you home, let you juggle my balls
I remember I had someone get that song for me. When it started playing, I was singing along, then I heard the graphicness, I almost threw up and crashed my car. Okay that didn't happen, but I was shocked. I never listened to the unedited version ever again. I'm not mentally capable of handling it. It is much too freaking graphic for me. Man, I really am old. I guess I'll start listening to adult contemporary music.
Update: I had to post this Pretty Ricky clip from their concert because it showcases what I'm talking about. I like a few of Pretty Ricky's songs, but I have noticed that many of their lyrics are quite graphic. They are adults but their target audience are pre-teens and teenage girls. Knowing that and seeing this video makes me disgusted.
Interestingly enough I saw this quote in the iTunes review of Pretty Ricky's first album. "Thats how outrageous they are, fitting somewhere between Usher and the Yin Yang Twins at their most lecherous."
Sunday, March 04, 2007
F'ing Bastards
The details: The paper is dropped, usually in a bag, with my apartment number on it, inside the locked gate. Only people who live in the building have access so I know its one of my neighbors. 3 Floors with 6 apts per floor. I need a plan.
Oooh I could put itching powder in the paper, or get a bank dye pack that will spurt ink all over the person, leaving them stained.
I hope this isn't illegal.
UPDATE: Plan 3: Use one of those as seen on tv alarms so when the theif takes it out of a bag or picks it up it goes off and I can catch them in the act.

Saturday, March 03, 2007
Reality TV
Gawd I love reality TV. Just when I think people can't get any dumber… they do. Right now I'm watching MTV's Sweet Sixteen and this girl Amberly (figures) needs the perfect dress for her party. So she flies all the way to