Saturday, April 28, 2007

More dumb ass people in the library

I swear I hate the dumb ass people in this library. I am trying to study in the carrels again, and the people around me have been constantly whispering for the last hour. I wish they would shut up. I don't want to move because this is where I like to study and where I'm comfortable. They should move. The library is a place for quiet study. The occasional question, comment is cool, but flat out having someone explain the entire class to you, NO. Get a damn study room. That's what it is for, people who want to study together and talk. Grrr. I want to just start playing music on my computer out loud and pretend like I don't notice. Or I should just have a phone conversation in a regular tone of voice. God these people are pissing me off. I wish librarians patrolled this library. Mean old lady librarians, who have been around since the beginning of time, and have that old musty book smell about them. They would tell those punks to shut their traps. If they don't shut up soon I will have to channel my inner librarian and ask them to keep it down. Maybe I should just rent them a group study room and throw the key in their faces. Dumb asses.

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