Monday, April 02, 2007

Today's Tip

Don't you hate how 2 liter sodas always go flat before you finish them.
Well here is how to make that 2 liter last for a lot longer. After you pour yourself some soda and are ready to put it away,
  1. squeeze the bottle so the liquid is pushed almost to the top,
  2. hold it tight, then screw the cap on tightly
  3. store the bottle upside down
This will keep the soda carbonated, but lets face it, day old 2 liters are never as good as when you first open them.

Oh and while we are giving out tips. Here is a tip to get stains out of clothing: use stain remover.

1 comment:

Amber said...

LOL, stain remover... who would have thought?

If you ask me, Pepsi is best when it's completely flat. but that's just me. :)