Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cleanliness is next to Godliness (even for strippers)

Some friends and I were discussing strippers today. You know, normal convo. Our discussion had me wondering about the sanitation of stripper poles. I mean you have women gyrating their vajayjays up and down, around and around a metal pole all day. Only a thin piece of fabric keeping their lady parts off that pole. (hello, lycra is not breathable) Plus as those body oils and glitter. And besides being a bacteria infested disease pit, you know that pole smells something awful. *shudders* I don't know how those strippers do it. I really hope someone regularly cleans it. I mean if I was a stripper you best believe I'd be out there with my clorox wipes, sterilizing that pole before each dance.


Lailah Morris said...

ahhhhh welcome back friend, welcome back.

bianca said...

YAY new blog!!! And I totally agree, I would definitely be pulling out the clorox wipes. Maybe incorporate it into my routine. I'm sure there's a seductive way to clean a stripper pole. Anti-bacterial wipes and $1 bills. Sounds like a killer combination.

Anonymous said...

one word--purell. yay-you're blogging again! just in time to keep me from poking my eyes out with boredom as I study for corps. so please...keep on blogging. if only for my eyes' sake.