Thursday, September 27, 2007

WARNING: the following post is NSFW.

Scroll down carefully.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

Eat your veggies. They're good for you

Anorexia is not a good look.

This is an Italian billboard created to raise awareness about anorexia.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Please whoop yo' kids

If I have to see one more punk ass kid throwing a tantrum in the store cause he can't get something he wants I'm gonna flip out. Bad ass kids running all over the place, blocking the aisle, bumping into me, all the while his mother doesn't know what the hell to do. Seriously its too much. We wouldn't have this problem if people would beat their kids. I know in this day and age spanking is sometimes frowned upon. But let me tell you a good ass whoopin' will straighten your child out. Most people [whitey] who are against spanking do that time out crap.

"Little Tommy, you stop calling your mother a slut. Tommy do you hear me talking to you? What would Jesus do Tommy? Thats it Tommy I'm counting to 5. 1...2...Tommy I'm counting...3...Tommy can you hear me...4...You're gonna get it Tommy...4
½ ...4 ¾ ...4 7/8...5. Thats it Tommy, get in the corner for 2 minutes." Then Tommy flips Mommy off and starts playing his Xbox. Fast forward 7 years later, little Tommy is burning animals in the backyard for fun and little Tommy's sister is sleeping with the football team and she's not even a cheerleader. My advice, whoop your kids.

Oh and if you [whitey] are sensitive about spanking then go to this site and it can coach you until you're strong enough to whoop on your own.

It is almost time


Monday, September 17, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

God Bless America

I am so glad I live in a time and place where people have the freedom and technology to voice their opinions about important matters.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Have you noticed...

Why do houses in tv shows always have a swinging door. I don't think I've ever been in a house with a swinging door. People are always getting hit by the door. Seems dangerous...

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I gave in...

There I finally did it. I joined Facebook. I'm shocked at myself. Normally I am against all these sites: MySpace, Facebook, and who knows what else. I don't like the idea of people going to a website to look at pictures of me. Unless you're my parents you don't need your own private collection of pictures of me. Why did I join Facebook you ask. It was an impulse decision. I've been wondering what all the hoopla was about. Now I know.....nothing.

My account status: I have one friend, a few applications for friends pending. I am pitiful. Making friends in real life is hard enough, but applying to be someone's friend? What if they reject me? I'm not ready for this kind of internet dumping. I have no pictures so all thats under my name is a giant question mark, as if I'm not even a real person. No wonder no one wants to be my friend...

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Complaining Ass People

What is wrong with people? The iPhone price has been cut from $599 to $399 and now people who bought it for $599 are upset. They are complaining about how they got gypped. I say, thats what your dumb ass gets. If you buy technology when it first comes out, of course its gonna cost more and have bugs in it. Thats what you get for being an early adopter. You should be like me and wait a while before purchasing, until the technology is old and nobody wants it, then its hella cheap. You know I just got a Super Nintendo. I bet you paid like $200 for yours. I got mines for $20. Beat that bitches!

-Signed, Saving up for a walkman

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


Woohoo, or so I thought...

Ever since the advent of low rise pants, the world has been forced to stare at ass crack after ass crack. And initially one might think this could be a beautiful thing, but in reality, not everyone has a pretty ass crack.

Real cracks, can be crooked, ashy, and crusty, among other things. Its gotten so bad, people are making laws against all this crackage. But I digress. The point is ever since these pants were invented, I have had a hard time finding regular rise pants, unless you shop in the old lady department, and I sir, am not an old lady. So I have had to suffer, the purchasing of long t-shirts, making sure to sit in chairs with backs, strategically bending to tie my shoes (thank god for double knots). I have been living in fear that someone will see my crack at any moment. Which leads me to the present. I went to Old Navy after hearing they had regular rise pants [woohoo] BUT these lame-o pants start out as classic rise, and even with a belt, as you start walking, down they slide. I'm back to a low rise world.

I'm beginning to think its not the pants but my complete and utter lack of an ass. It makes sense scientifically. Jeans are heavy material and are kept in place by a belt and your buttocks. If, like me, your butt is flat, then the jeans have nothing to grip onto, and down they go, the belt only protects you from being pantsed. So, really my only choices are to either destroy gravity, get a butt augmentation, or suck it up and buy old lady jeans with an elastic waistband and tapered legs. Guess which one I'm going to pick...