Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I gave in...

There I finally did it. I joined Facebook. I'm shocked at myself. Normally I am against all these sites: MySpace, Facebook, and who knows what else. I don't like the idea of people going to a website to look at pictures of me. Unless you're my parents you don't need your own private collection of pictures of me. Why did I join Facebook you ask. It was an impulse decision. I've been wondering what all the hoopla was about. Now I know.....nothing.

My account status: I have one friend, a few applications for friends pending. I am pitiful. Making friends in real life is hard enough, but applying to be someone's friend? What if they reject me? I'm not ready for this kind of internet dumping. I have no pictures so all thats under my name is a giant question mark, as if I'm not even a real person. No wonder no one wants to be my friend...

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