Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Please whoop yo' kids

If I have to see one more punk ass kid throwing a tantrum in the store cause he can't get something he wants I'm gonna flip out. Bad ass kids running all over the place, blocking the aisle, bumping into me, all the while his mother doesn't know what the hell to do. Seriously its too much. We wouldn't have this problem if people would beat their kids. I know in this day and age spanking is sometimes frowned upon. But let me tell you a good ass whoopin' will straighten your child out. Most people [whitey] who are against spanking do that time out crap.

"Little Tommy, you stop calling your mother a slut. Tommy do you hear me talking to you? What would Jesus do Tommy? Thats it Tommy I'm counting to 5. 1...2...Tommy I'm counting...3...Tommy can you hear me...4...You're gonna get it Tommy...4
½ ...4 ¾ ...4 7/8...5. Thats it Tommy, get in the corner for 2 minutes." Then Tommy flips Mommy off and starts playing his Xbox. Fast forward 7 years later, little Tommy is burning animals in the backyard for fun and little Tommy's sister is sleeping with the football team and she's not even a cheerleader. My advice, whoop your kids.

Oh and if you [whitey] are sensitive about spanking then go to this site and it can coach you until you're strong enough to whoop on your own.

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